Autism Shines
5455 North River Run Drive
Provo, UT 84604

Explore our Training

Training the Trainers

Discover Clear Horizons

At Clear Horizons, one of our missions is to provide teachers, therapists and other professionals who interact with the autism community with the resources they need to carry out their duties. By offering internship and externship opportunities to university students studying special education, speech and occupational therapy and related areas, we offer these students hands-on training under the careful supervision of our trained professionals. This allows these university students to leave their studies prepared to meet the professional demands ahead of them.

Of course, you do not need to work in a classroom or clinic to be impacted by this disorder. There are countless people who in the course of their professional duties interact with the autism community. Our goal is to provide these professionals with the resources they need to make these interactions as successful as possible.

Working Together

Clear Horizons is a founding member of the Utah County Autism Resources (UCAR) working group that brings together nonprofits, school districts, university officials and other. Our goal is to strategically work together to address the rise of autism in Utah County.

First Responders

Autism Training DVD for Police Officers: This year SaharaCares produced a DVD that will be used to train police officers at training facilities and in regular pre-duty training sessions. The purpose of the DVD was to raise awareness of the rising prevalence of autism in our communities. It discusses ways to recognize the disability and gives constructive suggestions for dealing with people with autism. The DVD is being offered for free to any organization that can benefit from it. Learn more about this important effort and how you can support it!

Autism & Faith

Coming Soon! Clear Horizons is currently partnering with the Sahara Cares Foundation and the Autism Coalition of Utah to produce a new video especially for the faith community. Learn about how we are changing lives every day.